
Then Jesus said, "Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Are we being sensible?

Ever wonder, what happens life after death?

Frankly speaking, I don't know.

My pastor tells me I go to heaven if I believe in Jesus.

My mom tells me I go to hell whether or not I believe in Jesus.

My friends tell me when I die I don't go anywhere 'cos there's no hell nor heaven.

One of them gotta be right.


IF I die, where would I rather be?

I wanna go to heaven or just die and .

Jesus teaches me to be a good man and bring peace to the world. Be a good neighbour so I could be a blessing to people around me. He promises me salvation 'cos He has died for my sins.

Though other gods teaches me to be a good man, but they do not promise me a promising future.

Jesus says if I repent and be a good man on earth he would bring me to a place called paradise. He promises me peace and promises to be my friend when even when all my friends turn their back on me. He promise he will never forsake me.

IF right now YOU have a choice.
You can either...
1. Lead a hedonistic life, have lots of casual sex, risking getting STD, getting pregnant and getting abortion, get high, ruining other's life and your own life and just die a horrible death. Imagine a world without law and order because everyone just wants to be happy and have some irresponsible fun. After which we still die, whether it's hell or a fullstop. After everything you know there is no place for you in this place called heaven.

2. Lead a life not worrying about ruining other's life. We know we won't get STD 'cos we don't go around screwing every other girl we see. We get don't get high and lead a pretty good life( minus the getting high part). We know life is much more pleasant in this world because we don't need to worry about junkies or drunks attacking us for money for dope. All we do is to believe in God and do what he teaches. We know there is a place called heaven. Even if there is no heaven, my karma will probably do me some good 'cos I don't live an irresponsible life. Even if life ends with a fullstop, at least I know I haven't been a pest to the society.

It's your choice. I made mine. Have you made yours?


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