
Then Jesus said, "Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

Friday, November 30, 2007

God's Love Makes You Strong

Ephesians 3:19
19to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

If you were to thank God for something today, what would it be? For me, it’s thanking God for giving us Jesus. For when I see Jesus on the cross, I see the love of God overcoming everything for me. It causes me to say, “Thank you, Jesus! I love you, Jesus! I worship you, Jesus! Bless you, Jesus! Hallelujah!”

And as we worship and celebrate the love of Jesus in our lives, we will find ourselves changed and we will see the mighty power of God displayed for us and through us.

This was the case in the life of David. His personal times of worship, of being absorbed in God’s love for him, changed him from a mere shepherd boy to lion killer, bear killer, giant killer and finally, king over Israel.

Now, no one on earth, no matter how strong he is, can come against a lion and prise open its mouth to snatch back his sheep which the lion had carried away, unless God’s anointing and protection is on him. And this was indeed what happened to David the shepherd boy who went after the lion, caught it by its beard, struck it and killed it, and thus delivered the lamb from its mouth. (1 Samuel 17:34–37)

My friend, no man can truly enjoy living in this world without God’s strength in his life, God’s favour in his work and relationships, God’s protection for him and his family, God’s increase for his finances, and God’s health and healing for his body. Likewise, no woman can survive emotionally, socially or physically without God’s tender touch, God’s loving presence, God’s sweet assurance, and God’s Word of life in times of need.

Beloved, as you feed on Jesus’ love for you, you’ll be filled with the fullness of God. Like David, God’s anointing will begin to operate powerfully in your life. And when spiritual lions come into your life, even the devil himself — when he comes like a roaring lion against you or your loved ones or your possessions — you’ll grab hold of his mouth and you’ll tear him apart!

raimy says:

In the post today, the devotion talks about how if we have God's love in us. This devotion also use David as a example, as he received God's love and overcome fear and threats, and simply he overcome many situation. I should say that we should use His love to overcome our circumstances in life e.g. studies, working, meeting with clients or even exams. Look upon the cross which God sent Jesus as a scarifies while we are still sinners, His love saves many and just last thoughts, what if we put God's love into practice? More than miracles I should say...

See you guys this upcoming weekends during youth service, God bless!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

Romans 5:5
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Today, we express hope as if we can’t be sure what will really happen. We say, “I hope I’ll win that prize… I hope it won’t rain tomorrow… I hope everything works out well...”

But “hope” in the Bible is a confident and positive expectation of good. This is because as His child, your heavenly Father favours you. Because Christ is in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), you can expect the glory of God to shine into every area of your life, including your family, job, ministry, health and finances!

God’s Word says, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” My friend, you may have experienced disappointed hopes, but there is a hope that does not disappoint when you are conscious of how much God loves you. It is a hope that springs from the heart of God, who loves you very much.

It is interesting that the first mention of the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans is tied up with the love of God. Now, the book of Romans is considered foundational for all Christians. Could it be that the first thing the Holy Spirit wants to do is to establish in your heart that God loves you? Many people think that the Holy Spirit has come to teach us about power, but the truth is that the Holy Spirit has come not to reveal the love for power, but the power of love!

My friend, you may have just lost your job, but if you believe that “Jesus loves me this I know”, you can say, “I believe I will get a better job tomorrow.” Your girlfriend may have just left you for your best friend. But because you believe that “Jesus loves me this I know”, you can say, “I’ll meet a better girl tomorrow.”

When you believe that God loves you, you will have a positive expectation of good. You will have hope that does not disappoint, so be careful what you hope for because you are bound to get it!

raimy says:

hey this devotion is awesome, very encouraging for me. what happen next is , i'm going to share with you peeps tmr for small group hahaha, and just to keep reminding that God loves us now and forever which stated in John 3:16, haha it prove true yea. Amen!

well, see you guys on sat, work hard!! God bless!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hello all,
As I speak, the clock continues to tick and I am just seconds closer to my exams. I have to apologize for my absence from church this week cos' I wasn't feeling too good and I had a lot of studying to do. All my more worrying paper are in the front. Pls forgive me for my non-attendance. However it's through this dark times when God showed me He's always here with me. I would like to hereby share with all of you.

This semester is probably the worst semester of all. The first part of the semester was really bad as I had something going on with my life and it was probably till mid semester that I really managed to get my life in place again. All thanks to the YW small group - thanks a million.

It is this during this short 14 weeks where I can see God's blessing all around me. You guys have (present tense cos u guys still are...) been wonderful. Also this semester, I managed to find support amongst a lot of my new found friends in my course. I had lots of fun and laughter with them. However, a lot of them were Christians and have since faltered in their faith. I hope you guys will pray for them. I have friends who have heard of Christ but have yet accepted Him, pls pray for their salvation as well. I felt God had made me know these people for a reason. They had been a blessing to me and I really hope that the least I can do is to bring this gift of salvation to them.

As for me, I can say that I have had struggles and I think Satan has been making all the right conditions for me to stumble but I am proud to say I have been putting up a good fight against him. Please continue to pray for my fight against the bondage of sins. Also continue to pray for wisdom, consistency and strength to carry on this fight till the end of the year.

The new year will open new chapters of uncertainties as I make my flight to India. Please pray that God will prepare my heart as for this 6 months trip to India. I do hope that during this 6 months I can show God's goodness to this Indian friend I will be travelling there with.

I hope that u guys had a great weekend so far. Whatever your struggles, keep the faith! Reading Genesis is like a constant reminder by God to tell me to keep the faith. In the first 20 over chapters that I have read and re-read so far, Noah, Abraham and Issac had been put through trial of faith and by faith God had shown them grace. Continue to pray for one another and pray for all these people I talk about as well! May you all have a good week ahead. Peace be with you. Amen!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Flow With Righteousness, Peace And Joy

Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

If we are supposed to seek first the kingdom of God every day (Matthew 6:33), then we should know what the kingdom of God is in the first place. I used to think that the kingdom of God was the mission fields and that to seek it meant doing missionary work.

Then, I realised that the kingdom of God was not something outside you flowing in — “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking”, but something inside you flowing out — “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”.

So to seek first God’s kingdom means to make it a priority every day to have your inner man flowing with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Righteousness is not your own righteousness based on what you do. It is not good works. It is a gift from Jesus who is your righteousness. (Romans 5:17, 1 Corinthians 1:30) God wants you to be established in the truth that you are the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

“Peace be with you” were the words that Jesus spoke to His disciples when He appeared before them after His resurrection. He also showed them His pierced hands and side. (John 20:19–20) God wants you to know that His Son’s finished work has given you peace. Your conscience can be at rest because your sin debt has been settled. You have peace with God, and the peace of God.

Joy will come into your heart when you see Jesus in the scriptures, worship songs or anointed preaching. It is the same joy from the Holy Spirit which filled the disciples’ hearts when they saw Jesus, His hands and His side. (John 20:20)

So every day, make it a priority to see yourself righteous in Christ. Don’t be conscious of your sins, but instead be conscious of your righteousness. And whether you are reading your Bible or listening to anointed preaching, see Jesus with His pierced hands and side, which speak of His finished work. See that your sins are forgiven, and you will flow with peace and joy. When you do this, you are seeking the kingdom of God!

raimy says:
just a little sharing here, just filled up this little blog with some devotion to keep us motivated with God. And remember keep on praying for one another yeah, and just not love by words but thru actions too, God bless and have a wonderful weekends. and yea small group!! haha

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

hey guys, other grand ma passed away on sunday night. been busy ... sorry for not keeping up with you guys.
gd day

Thursday, November 1, 2007

johan says

johan says:

hey guys ...

my grandma's funeral was conducted smoothly without a hitch. had good weather too.

tks for your prayers and support for this wk. couldnt have got through the days without them. we're still meeting this week ya? am in the process of putting together the lesson. got any qns or contribution, please do ring or sms ya?

just a reminder: this week's about 'what the Bible has to say about finances' and being smart with what God has given you ... esp. money.


hope you guys been contacting each other too. just want to say that your smses throughout the wk, even just to ask how i have been doing, are greatly appreciate and much anticipated. i may not be able to answer (and i tell the truth, i forget also! phone recently cranky also ... :X) but knowing tt someone's concerned for me is always a great feeling. tks man.

gtg. catch u guys soon.
